Scholarships for graduate students and young scholars

The Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses was founded by the Berlin House of Representatives in 1994 as a late sign of gratitude to the Allied Forces who occupied, befriended, and protected Berlin and its citizens for almost fifty years after the end of World War II. The Foundation wants to sustain and develop contact with France, Great Britain, the United States, Russia and other successor states of the former Soviet Union.
The Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin sponsors a scholarship programme for students and young scholars of all fields from the above-mentioned countries. Applicants should work on projects that require access to research facilities in Berlin. The scholarships are awarded according to various criteria, including academic merit and civic engagement.
The Foundation awards 15 grants per year. The grants amount to 1,100 EUR for graduate and doctoral students and 1,630 EUR for post-doctoral scholars per month including the rent for the International Study Centre Berlin. In addition, the Foundation pays travel costs to and from Berlin.
During their 10-month stay scholarship holders will not only experience their research areas from an international perspective, but also the political, cultural and social dimensions of public life in Berlin.

Application deadline: 15 December, 2016.
The programme will start on 1 October 2017, and end on 31 July 2018.
