On October 10, 2024, third-year students of the "Public Relations" program at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan attended the premiere of the film Bride Kidnapping, directed by Mirlan Abdykalykov from Kyrgyzstan.
The film sheds light on the serious issue of the forced abduction of girls for the purpose of marriage, a problem that remains relevant in both Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. At the heart of the plot is the story of 19-year-old nurse Umut, who becomes a victim of kidnapping. This storyline, based on real events, aims to draw attention to the suffering of women subjected to violence and deprivation of freedom.
Speakers at the film screening included Akmarzhan Kusherbayeva, singer and honorary ambassador of UNFPA in Kazakhstan, and Möldir Zhumabayeva, human rights advocate, journalist, and founder of the SVET Foundation. They shared their views on the issue of forced abduction of girls. The speakers emphasized the importance of public dialogue and active youth participation in addressing social issues related to women's rights.
After the screening, the students discussed the film, sharing their thoughts and emotions. This discussion helped them realize the need to participate in the fight against violence and for women's rights. The film inspired the attendees to think about how they can contribute to changing public opinion and supporting victims of violence.