Ablai Khan University held advanced training courses teaching staff of Shihezi University from People Republic of China

From December 15 to 24, 2024, advanced training courses for the teaching staff of Shihezi University (PRC) on the topic of "Regional Studies in Central Asia" were organized at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages.

The course participants got acquainted with the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the topic, listened to lectures by our leading professors - experts in the field of regional studies and international relations.

As part of the guest visit, colleagues from China were shown the best practices at industry bases, where current problems and prospects for the development of regional studies were considered and discussed.

On the first day, the course participants listened to a lecture by Professor of the Department of International Relations Zara Shaimordanova on the topic "Theoretical and Methodological Basis for the Study of Regional Processes", and an expert meeting on tourism was held with PhD Doctor of the Department of Tourism Amina Uaisova.

The next day, the course participants got acquainted with a lecture by Associate Professor of the Department Lyazzat Aytimbet on the topic "Scientific Approaches and Methods in Regional Studies" and a guest expert of the Representative Office of the KISR under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bulat Auelbayev on the topic "Central Asia in a Changing World". On this day, they also visited the Confucius Institute at the university.

On the third day of the program, Rustem Mustafin, Senior Researcher at the Center for Political Studies of the Institute of Political Science of the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, gave a lecture for the guests on the topic "Digital Technologies and Regional Studies". After which a visit to the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University took place.

The next day, senior lecturer of the department of International Relations Murad Shamilov gave a lecture on the topic "The European Union and Central Asia", and after that they visited the Kazakh Research Institute of Animal Husbandry.

On the fifth day of the program, the course participants listened to lectures by Professor Rustem Kadyrzhanov on the topic "Prospects for the Development of Transregional Relations" and Professor Aiym Shukyzhanova on the topic "Border Problems in Central Asia". After that, guest meetings were held with experts in the field of food industry and agriculture.

On the weekend, a tourist trip around Almaty was also organized for the guests from Shihezi University.

The second week of the course program began with a lecture by Doctor of Sciences Nurlan Muminov on the topic "Regionalization and Globalization in the Modern World" and Candidate of Sciences Meirat Omarov on the topic "Modern Risks and Challenges to Regional Security". 

After that, a guest lecture by expert Farhad Kasenov and a visit to the Center for the Study of Regional Relations of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University under the supervision of PhD Adilbek Ermekbaev were organized for the audience.

On the last day of the program, participants listened to an expert from the A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics, Kairat Gabitkhanuly, and visited the simultaneous translation laboratory.

Following the course, all course participants successfully completed the program and were awarded certificates.

This format of interaction between our partner universities strengthens partnerships and creates new opportunities for the educational process.
