
Each year more than 300 students of Kazakh Ablai Khan University studying for Bachelors, Masters, and PhD Degree programs have an opportunity to study in international partner universities on an Academic Exchange Program. Particularly, Exchange Programs are performed intensively with partner-universities in South Korea, Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, China and Malaysia.

Student mobility is carried out in the following areas:

  • Double Degree Program
  • Student Exchange/Semester Abroad/Academic Year Abroad Programs for the period from one semester to one academic year
  • Summer schools, including trainings during the summer vacation, summer courses

International students have the opportunity to study at Ablai Khan University on a permanent basis, within the Exchange Programs, at Summer Schools, as well as to study Kazakh and Russian languages at the Foundation Department of the University.

Within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of attracting International Lecturers/Teaching Staff, the University invites foreign professors to deliver lectures and academic consultancy for Masters and PhD thesis.

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