Within the framework of the project “Multidimensional research on the history, the problems and the prospects for the introduction of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan” for grant financing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020 (the priority “Mangilik el” : the education of the XXIst century, fundamental and applied research in the humanities), the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute at the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University organizes a three-stage cycle of the international scientific events.
In the course of the project “Multidimensional research on the history, the problems and the prospects for the introduction of international educational projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan” an active transversal dialogue will be initiated between representatives of leading universities in Kazakhstan and Western Europe, which will create new precedents for international scientific cooperation in higher education. This project does not aim to exchange pedagogical experience, but it affects the philosophical, cultural, economic, political and legal aspects of education. Conducting international scientific events with the invitation of foreign specialists will help representatives of Kazakhstani universities to analyze and implement certain practices. At the same time, specialists themselves may not be teachers, but representatives of different scientific branches and directions. A single key concept here is the education as such, and the understanding of its aspects will be provided directly to the participants in the exchange process.
The first cycle of international scientific events “Philosophical and political aspects of international educational projects” will be opened by the international conference “Philosophical theories of education and their role in modern national concepts of education systems”. We invite you to participate in this conference by sending the subject of the report and the resume (500 words) in Kazakh, Russian, English or French languages to 31 May 2018 by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Subject to the approval of the topic and the contents of the report, the full text of the report must be sent by 10 June 2018 to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. At the end of the conference, the publication of materials is envisaged.
The preliminary date for the conference is June 18, 2018.
For additional information, please contact:
+7 (727) 293-40-67
8 702 341 28 75 (WhatsApp)
Yours faithfully,
Organizing committee of the international conference “Philosophical theories of education and their role in modern national concepts of education systems”