On November 12-13, 2019 at Kazakh Ablai khan UIR&WL took place VI International scientific and practical conference: “Promoting Effective Quality Culture Practices in Higher Education: Benchmarking and Resource Search”.
The conference was attended by project participants: “EDUQAS - Implementation of Education Quality Assurance System via Cooperation of University-Business-Government in HEIs”, representatives of 21 FSU and other foreign countries: Dr. of Economics - Baiba ŠAVRIŅA (Latvia), PhD, Professor - Iryna Zolotaryova (Ukraine), Associated Professor - Anca Bandoi (Romania), senior expert in the Quality Assurance - Lennart Ståhle (Sweden, Stockholm), PhD - Kateryna Tryma (Ukraine) and many others.
Among the foreign scientists speaking at the conference, it can be noted professors of the University of Freiburg (Germany) – Reinhard Hesse, who came to KazUIR&WL as part of the program “Invitation of international scientists and consultants in the leading universities of Kazakhstan”.
The main aims of the conference is discussion of current issues in the field of ensuring the quality of education, and the role of independent accreditation in the quality assurance system of higher education in Kazakhstan.