11.03.2021 at 14:00 an online meeting was held on the topic "The Turkish language and my future", organized by the Department of Eastern Philology (Turkish language section), Faculty of Oriental Studies.
The distinguished guest of the online meeting was Associate Professor, Dr. Ekrem Ayan, Head of the Department of Modern Turkish Dialect and Literature at Mugla Sitki Kochman University. During the online meeting, Dr. Ekrem Ayan shared relevant and interesting details on the topic "Turkish language and my future" and answered students' questions. Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, PhD, docent Dinara Dauen thanked Mr. Ekrem Ayan and noted that an agreement on the international program "Mevlana" will be concluded in the future.
The event was attended by the head of the department, Ph.D., prof. Gaukhar Burkitbai, teachers of the Turkish language, 1st year students of the specialty "Oriental Studies", students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Foreign Philology" and students of the second foreign language.