Within the framework of international cooperation of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, was signed a memorandum with the Pembangunan National University on cooperation in the field of: academic mobility (creation of summer schools for teaching staff and students); holding joint guest lectures on topical issues of international law.
On March 9, 2022, an online lecture was held on the topic “International Diplomatic and Consular Law”, by the teacher Cherdantsev A.S. of the Department of International Law of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan
On March 10 and March 12, 2022, online lectures were held on the topics "International Humanitarian Law" and "International Trade Law" by teachers Adibaev A.M. and Shoman E.S.
In June-July 2022, it is planned to organize a summer school, within which the following topics will be studied:
- the main aspects of information security;
- evolution of international legal regulation of information relations in terms of ensuring information security;
- information war, information terrorism, information crimes, information weapons;
-solution of information security issues, taking into account applicable international law;
- prospects for international legal regulation in the field of information security between the two countries;
-responsibility for actions in the field of information security.