Teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication, on 04/16/2022 the online event on the topic of “UN Model: Traditions & Innovations. Preserving Cultural Heritage” was held based on Ms Teams (online) with the students of 3rd course.
The purpose of extracurricular activity: the formation of the worldview, the formation of unity and skills of cooperation among students. The event was held in accordance with the following stages:
(1) motivational-orientation: the hosts of the event Amantai Amina (group 302), Aban Assel (group 302) presented the theme of the event, spoke about the main tasks of the UN organization, introduced the participants to the structure of the organization, also spoke about the role of Kazakhstan in the UN;
(2) further, the facilitators presented video information about the simulation of the UN meeting in the educational institutions of the world, using the example of the simulation of the UN by students;
(3) in the next step, students discussed the meaning of concepts related to UN modeling, such as 'placard', 'roll call', 'veto', 'unmoderated caucus', etc.;
(4) at the next stage, actually modeling the UN meeting, Zhaksybay Yerkezhan (group 302) acted as the UN Secretary General; group students prepared Power Point presentations, presented ‘Country Profile’ (representation of the country) and ‘Position Paper’
(5) further, the participants of the event discussed the solution of the problem and the drafting of a resolution, which was to be accompanied by a vote of the delegates of the countries participating in the conference;
(6) in conclusion, as a reflection, the students summed up the importance of preserving the cultural heritage in the world, joint actions at the individual, regional and international levels, education of the younger generation in the global cultural context; expressed their opinions and ideas about participating in the simulation of the UN meeting.
Students actively participated in the discussion of issues and the theme of the event. In general, extra-curricular activity was successful and contributed to the formation of students' worldview.