On November 22, at the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named afterAbylai Khan was a meeting on the topic: “A mix of Classical and Digital Media", organized by the Department of International Communications.
The lecture was conducted by Kazakh TV presenter, producer, founder of the TV company "Dom Telemaster Production" Serik Mukhambediauly Akishev, who shared his experience.
This meeting was organized in order to familiarize future specialists with the subtleties and complexities of journalism. During the lecture, TV presenter Serik Akishev shared several life hacks that will help specialists in voice and diction, as well as how to stand freely in front of the camera. Our students were also able to get answers to all their questions.
Students of the educational programs "Journalism" and "Public Relations" have gained a lot of experience that they will be able to use in the future.