11 teams, including 33 students from different cities of Kazakhstan, participated in the Regional Student Subject Olympiad in the discipline "Enterprise Economics".
The participants and supervisors of the teams were awarded with letters of thanks, and the following teams received diplomas and certificates:
Diploma "Grand Prix" was received by the team "Profit" (Galymbek D., Umargali A., Ermagambetova D.), ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov
Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Azylkanova S.A., Ph.D. Zhanabaeva Zh.K.
The diploma of the I degree was received by the team "Medici" (Abjanov D., Baibulat T., Amangeldieva K.), KazUIRWL named after Abylai Khan, scientific adviser: Ph.D., professor Sarieva Zh.I.
The diploma of the II degree was received by the team "Yunye upravlentsy" (Amirzhanov R., Golovina A., Kosymbekova D.), Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov, supervisor: Senior Lecturer Alpysbayeva Zh.Zh.
Diploma of the II degree was received by the team "N-3" (Kelis A., Isangali A., Askar Zh.), Caspian Public University,
Supervisor: PhD, senior lecturer Karinova M.D., PhD, assoc. Professor Otarbayeva A.B.
The diploma of the III degree was received by the team "Dara zhastar" (Azieva N., Erkinbekova A., Kadrkhan A.), KazNPU named after Abay, Sorbonne Institute – Kazakhstan, supervisor: PhD, Senior Lecturer Karimova M.D., Senior Lecturer Saparbayeva A.M.
The III degree diploma was received by the FMO team (Baizhomartova D., Burbaeva N., Onaibai I.), Al-Farabi KazNU, Sorbonne Institute – Kazakhstan, scientific adviser: candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Abdibekov S.U.
The diploma of the III degree was received by the team "Kyran" (Askar A., Kalmuratova Zh., Nuraldinova M.), ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, scientific adviser: Doctor of Economics, Professor Egemberdieva S.M.
The nomination "Best Project" was received by the team "Profit", ENU named after L.N. Gumilyov, scientific adviser: Ph.D. Azylkanova S.A., Ph.D. Zhanabaeva Zh.K.
The nomination "The best business idea" was received by the team of "TEAM", KazUMO and the Abylai Khan Ministry of Education and Science, scientific adviser: PhD, professor Atchabarova A.M.
The nomination "The most creative team" was received by the "Levelup" team, Caspian Public University, scientific adviser: PhD, assoc. Professor Otarbayeva A.B.
The nomination "Best performance" was received by the team "Brokerage", KazNPU named after Abay, Sorbonne Institute – Kazakhstan, supervisor: PhD, Senior Lecturer Karimova M.D., Senior Lecturer Saparbayeva A.M.