On November 9, 2023 was held a debate tournament, which was attended by the students of 1st year gr.#101 Zhaparbai Amina and Khojalieva Balnur, EP 6B11102 “Restaurant and Hotel Business”, Department of Hospitality Management, Faculty of “Management and International Communications”, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, and students of the 11th grade of debate club “Yel Umiti”, high school named after A. Baitursynov, Almaty region, Yenbekshikazakh district, Saimasai village, under the guidance of the head of the department S.S. Rakymzhanova, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor A.B. Zamanbekova, senior teacher A.D. Nugmanova, senior teacher D.J. Karimov, as well as English teacher G.T. Kazankap.
The tournament was held on one of the topical issues in the field of hospitality and tourism industry, “Role in staff training for the tourism and hospitality industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
During the discussion at the tournament were considered the problematic issues of personnel training in the tourism and hospitality industry.
This tournament was held in the framework of the plan of scientific research work and scientific research work of the students, vocational guidance work of the department of “Hospitality Management” to familiarize students with the EP 6B11102 “Restaurant and Hotel Business”.
Participants and leaders were awarded with letters of appreciation and incentive prizes.