On September 27, 2024, an international symposium "International cooperation to promote the reform of school and university education – Kazakhstan and Japan" was held at our university.
The symposium was organized jointly by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazUIR&WL named after Abylai Khan, the Community of Japanese Scholars of Kazakhstan and the Center of Humanities of Waseda University.
Invited speakers of the symposium were: Professor of Waseda University – Asada Tadashi, lecturers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University – Ninomiya Takashi, Shadaeva Madina, lecturer of the Kazakhstan-Japan Center for Human Development – Alisher Skatov.
Presentations and reports from our university were made by: Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies – Kagazbayeva Elmira Maratovna, senior lecturer of the Department of Oriental Studies – Salimova Gulnara Dzhuparovna and doctoral student – Zhunusova Ainagul Kuanovna.
Also, the symposium was attended by: students of the bachelor's and master's degree of KazUIR&WL named after Abylai Khan as offline listeners, teachers and students of Waseda University as online listeners (Zoom).
An exchange of views took place, further plans were outlined to create a scientific community of Japanese scholars with the involvement of leading scientists from Kazakhstan and Japan.
Thanks to everyone who took part in the Kazakhstan-Japan international symposium!