Literary-musical leitmotif, was prepared by students, including the biography of poet-improvisator, videos about the creative activity of poet, reading the poems of Zhambyl in different languages ( Chinese, Arab, Korean, German, French, Japanese, Turkish).
Guests of event were: Nurdaulet Akysh - doctor of philological sciences, professor, the head of department of institute of literature and art by M.Auezov; Beken Ybraym- doctor of philological sciences, professor, the director of scientific-research center “Zhambyltanu and national poets” of National pedagogical university named by Abai; Akan Abdualliev - honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Zhambyl Kazakh State Filarmony named director; Bekmurat Zhabayev- great grandson of Zhambyl Zhabayev.
KazUIR & WL prepared a collection of poems by Zh. Zhabayev translated into foreign languages. The book "Songs, leafless World" issued at the expense of the university as a contribution to the 170th anniversary of poet.
Books transferred to the "Zhambyl Zhabayev" fund, as well as the guests were presented with them also.