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University News

  • Participation of the Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL in the Chinese-Central Asian Conference on cooperation in the field of production, research and development.

    The delegation of Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL, headed by Vice-Rector for Strategic Development, Kunanbayeva D.A. attended the China-Central Asian Conference on Cooperation in the Field of Production, Research and Development, which was held on June 27, 2024 in Urumqi (XUAR, China). Within the framework of the Forum on Digital Cooperation in Education and the Forum of Rectors of Universities in China and Central Asia, Vice-Rector for Social Development Kunanbaeva D.A. made a report on the process of digitalization of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the progressive steps of the Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL ​​in this direction. Also, as part of the discussion, the Vice-Rector for Social Development touched upon the issues of resumption of work within the SCO Universities, the implementation of joint scientific projects with Xinjiang University, with which a program on academic mobility is currently being implemented.

    Jun 28, 2024

  • Visit of the delegation of Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL to Shihezi University (PRC)

    On June 25, 2024, as part of the visit to the People's Republic of China, the Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with Shihezi University. Within the framework of this Memorandum, students of Shihezi University will be taught the Kazakh language on the basis of KazUIR&WL. It is also planned to jointly train PhD doctors in the EP “International Relations”, implement joint scientific projects and exchange students and teaching staff of universities. We thank Shihezi University for the invitation!

    Jun 25, 2024

  • Summer school at Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR&WL for students of Lyon Lumiere University and Bordeaux Montaigne University (French Republic)!

    From June 10 to 30 on the basis of Kazakh Ablai Khan UIR&WL started a summer school for students of partner universities - Lyon Lumiere University and Bordeaux Montaigne University (French Republic)! The summer school with rich program, consisting of intensive classes in studying the Russian language, many interesting excursions demonstrating the richness of the history and culture of our region and the country as a whole, is attended by 20 students. It should be noted that training sessions are conducted by leading university professors, and the excursion part of the program is carried out by professional guides who provide summer school students with interesting and significant events and facts from the history, culture and socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    Jun 17, 2024

  • Participation of Kazakh Ablaikhan University in the international educational exhibition III SILK ROAD of Turkish and Kazakhstani universities

    On June 12, 2024, Ablai Khan University took part in the international educational exhibition III SILK ROAD of Turkish and Kazakh universities.

    The exhibition covered 15 Turkish and 15 Kazakh leading universities. At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in the Republic of Kazakhstan Evren Muderrisoglu and Education Attaché of the Consulate General of Turkey Ayhan Korkmaz performed at stage, drawing attention to the need to further strengthen bilateral relations in the field of education.

    Jun 12, 2024

  • Korean Public Speaking Competition in the Korean language

    On June 8, 2024, the Kt&g Korean Language Academy organized a Korean language speaking competition. The competition was attended by students of the Korean language of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazUIR&WL named after Abylai Khan.

    Jun 10, 2024



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