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University News

  • Official visit of the Saudi Delegation to Ablai Khan University

    September 25, 2024 in Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL was held an official visit of the Secretary General of the International Academy of Arabic Language named after King Salman of Saudi Arabia Alwashmi, Abdullah, Director of International Cooperation Department Khudair, Alauddin, Director of Strategic and Structural Planning Department Althunayan, Sultan, Director of Documentation and Archives Department Bin Hadbaa, Abdulmajeed.

    Sep 25, 2024

  • Students of the “International Business” program master project management according to international standards

    On September 2nd, 2024, the Department of International Business of KazIR&WL named after Ablai Khan started teaching undergraduate students the “Business Management” minor (“Project Management” and “Business Planning” disciplines) that will last till December 15th 2024. The subject is taught by a business trainer, Director of the training center of the Union of Project Managers (UPM RK) Yesenzhan Aida, IPMA Level C.

    Sep 23, 2024

  • Congratulations on successful completion of the internship in the USA!

    Our colleagues Amina Uaisova, senior lecturer of the “International Tourism Management” department and Samat Uralbayev,  head of the "Oriental Studies" department have successfully completed ‘CEHD Visiting Scholars Program: Research, Pedagogy, and Leadership’ within the ‘500 scholars’ Bolashak program at the University of Minnesota in the Unites States of America.

    Sep 20, 2024

  • Congratulations!

    We congratulate our colleague Dilfuza Selmahunovna Roziyeva, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Speech Practice of Foreign Philology, on her election as a member of the Board of CESS (Society for Central European Studies). We wish you scientific heights and fruitful work.

    Sep 16, 2024

  • Delegation of Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL at the International Educational Exhibition in Jiangxi province, Nanchang (PRC)

    Within the framework of the implementation of the Delegation of Ablai Khan KazUIR&WL, represented by Vice-Rector for Strategy Development D.A. Kunanbaeva and Vice-Rector for student affairs T.V. Seryozhkina visited the international educational exhibition organized by the Department of Education of Jiangxi Province in China. The exhibition was attended by 5 higher educational institutions of Almaty: Al-Farabi KazNU , K. Satpayev KazNTU , Narxoz, ALT University. The exhibition included an official opening ceremony, demonstration of educational and infrastructural opportunities of universities and discussion on the creation of joint projects, signed memorandums of cooperation.

    Sep 16, 2024

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  • Special lecture for students of the Korean department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies

    On September 25, 2024, for 1st-4th year students of the Korean department in the educational programs "Foreign Philology", "Translation Studies", "Oriental Studies" of the Faculty of Oriental Studies there will be a special lecture by Honorary Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Cho Gyu Yun and a concert by the ensemble of traditional Korean music and dance from South Korea, and "Dreamers" dance team.

    Time and place: 11:00-12:30, Red Event Hall, Main Academic Building

    Sep 24, 2024

  • On September 27, 2024, an international symposium on the topic "International cooperation in promoting school and university education reform - Kazakhstan and Japan" will be held at the KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan

    Time: 15:00 - 17:30 (Kazakhstan time)

    Venue: Muratbayeva 200, building 1, entrance from Shagabudinov Street, 1st floor, office 108.

    Link for online: https://list-waseda-jp.zoom.us/j/95945597261?pwd=wk5DUYBaNTmr1LCP79BYNb3IjZReiv.1

    ID: 959 4559 7261

    Passcode: 081414

    Working languages: Japanese, Kazakh, Russian, English

    The headliner of the international symposium is Professor of the Faculty of Humanities at Waseda University Asada Tadashi.

    Organizers: Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan, Faculty of Humanities of Waseda University, and Society of Japanese Studies of Kazakhstan

    We invite lecturers of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, researchers from research institutes, doctoral students, master's students, and anyone interested in the stated topic of the international symposium.

    Sep 24, 2024


    On September 25, 2024, the Secretary General of King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language of Saudi Arabia, Alwashmi, Abdullah, will visit  Ablai Khan University. The distinguished guest is accompanied by Khudair, Alauddin - Director of the International Cooperation Department; Althunayan, Sultan - Director of the Strategic and Structural Planning Department; Bin Hadbaa, Abdulmajeed - Director of the Documentation and Archives Department. As part of the official visit, a meeting will be held with the top management of our university, the teaching staff and students.

    Sep 19, 2024

  • Attention, graduates!

    Receptionist/Administrative coordinator
    Уровень дохода не указан
    Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года

    Jul 25, 2024

  • Book exhibition dedicated to the Day of Science Workers

    Dear readers, we have organised a book exhibition dedicated to the Day of Science Workers.

    Apr 19, 2024


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