Course Title: Migration processes in the Modern world. United Asian Community
Course peculiarity: Omnibus (multidisciplinary)
Credits: 2
Course Date: Spring semester: January ~ May, 2025
Course Location: Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages
Lecturer: 15 (international and local professors, specialists)
Course time: 15.00 (Almaty time)
Course Information
In the modern world, against the backdrop of globalization processes, international integration and attempts to unite have become a determining and relevant trend. This process has developed in the form of the formation and activities of various regional integration complexes, the participants of which are connected not only by economic and political, but also by sociocultural interests. It is these reasons, with continued historical interdependence and taking into account the tasks of ensuring the sustainable development of the peoples of the continent, that make Euro-Asian countries strive to intensify cooperation in various fields, including in the field of science and education.
In the context of geo-economic and geopolitical threats, migration processes have played a significant role in shaping the modern system of international relations. There are now more active conflicts that are causing massive population displacement. According to the UN Refugee Agency, at least 89.3 million people have been forced to flee their home countries creating tensions in receiving countries.
In this aspect, can be noted the role of Kazakhstan, which is one of the states of the post-Soviet Central Asian region and the features of its external multivector policy. Today Kazakhstan is attempting to contribute to the formation and development of a favorable climate not only for their country, but for the entire Asian continent. The younger generation, especially university students will play a significant role in this process, and therefore listening to this course is very important.
The purpose of opening this course is to familiarize students with the modern circumstances and cultural, social, economic and educational problems of the world and the significance of the Asian Community unification.
Course Objectives:
The course directs listeners to understand the significance of Asian Community, which means a co-destiny community, rather than its narrow concept of regionalism and helps the students:
- to evaluate integration process and capability of Asian nations to create common economic, cultural and political entity that would be the start of the comprehensive united Asian Community;
- to have knowledge of strengthening factors of social integration;
- to express the vision and necessity of whole structure of United Asian Community that would lead to the strengthening security and stabilization of Asian countries.
Course director:
Aidarbekov Zeinabil
Tel: 8 272 920800; 8 272 920805 Mobile: +77072160399
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Course coordinator:
Khairullayeva Venera
Tel: 8 272 920800; 8 272 920805 Mobile: +77077821581
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.